Подано заявок: 179
Chinese Junk
масштаб 1:50автор LUIGI TUFOLO
Pollena Trocchia Италия
Итоговая оценка: 80.67
From from XVIIIth -XIXth century
Описание и аннотация модели:
Этот вид кораблей очень типичен, но подобные модели встречаются довольно редко.
Кроме того, эта лодка «Пиратская», например. должен быть грузовым, но имеет наступательное вооружение,
в данном случае 8 легких пушек.
Большой и эффективный руль в сочетании с характерными парусами делал эти лодки безопасными и быстрыми.
Что касается «пиратов», возможно, вы имеете в виду знаменитых «карибских»; Ну, самые известные пираты, скажем так, самые ужасные, были из Азии!
В Кантоне (старое европейское название большого китайского города Дунгуань) самым известным пиратом начала XIX века была Чинг Ши и была дама! Она командовала более чем 300 джонками, очень похожими на нашу модель.
Исполнение этой модели очень простое, но инструкция на комплекте не для новичков. Так как я подарил набор мальчику (надеясь, что он будет моделистом), я собрал из набора (без использования деталей) аналогичную модель и сделал простую инструкцию с фотографиями (прилагается) для облегчения процесса.
Несмотря на то, что детали из комплекта не используются, мы предполагаем, что класс C8 должен подойти.
It refers to a Chinese Junk from XVIIIth -XIXth century.Similar boats can be still see in the Chinese sea .
Descripton and annotaton of model:
This kind of ship is very typical but is quite rare to find similar models .
In additon this boat is “Pirate” e.g. is supposed to be a cargo but has an offensive armament ,
in this case 8 light guns.
The large and efficient rudder, combined with the characteristic sails,made these boats safe and fast,
As regards the “Pirates” maybe you are thinking to the famous “Caribbian” ones ; well the most famous pirates, let’s say the worst , were from Asia !
In Canton (old European name of the big Chinese city of DongGuan) the most famous pirate at beginning of XIXth century was Ching Shih and was a lady! She commanded more than 300 Junks quite similar to our model .
Execution of this model is very simple . But instructions on kit are not for beginners. Since I gave as a present the kit to a young boy (hoping will be a modeler) I built from the kit (without using kit parts) a similar model and made easy instructions with photos (as enclosed) for making process easier.
Despite parts from kit are not used we suppose class C8 should fit
Descripton and annotaton of model:
This kind of ship is very typical but is quite rare to find similar models .
In additon this boat is “Pirate” e.g. is supposed to be a cargo but has an offensive armament ,
in this case 8 light guns.
The large and efficient rudder, combined with the characteristic sails,made these boats safe and fast,
As regards the “Pirates” maybe you are thinking to the famous “Caribbian” ones ; well the most famous pirates, let’s say the worst , were from Asia !
In Canton (old European name of the big Chinese city of DongGuan) the most famous pirate at beginning of XIXth century was Ching Shih and was a lady! She commanded more than 300 Junks quite similar to our model .
Execution of this model is very simple . But instructions on kit are not for beginners. Since I gave as a present the kit to a young boy (hoping will be a modeler) I built from the kit (without using kit parts) a similar model and made easy instructions with photos (as enclosed) for making process easier.
Despite parts from kit are not used we suppose class C8 should fit