Подано заявок: 179
масштаб 1:35автор Boncheva Anastasia
г. Бургас Болгария
Итоговая оценка: 89.67
Во время Второй мировой войны ВМС США развернули большое количество моторных торпедных катеров трех типов: «Хиггинс» размером 78 футов и ELCO размером 77 и 80 футов. Каждую модель можно было отличить от других, кроме длины, по конфигурации, вооружению и различным другим деталям. 80-футовые ELCO представляли самый многочисленный класс: они были реализованы в пяти сериях, всего около 300 экземпляров. Построенные из красного дерева и оснащенные тремя двигателями Packard 4M-2500 мощностью 1,350 (в последней серии их было 1,500), легко превышали 40 узлов. Снаряжение и вооружение постоянно обновлялось и улучшалось благодаря опыту, полученному в полевых условиях, и постепенной смене ролей: по мере развития конфликта, фактически, лодки PT оставили первоначальную задачу атаковать и перекрывать движение, принимая на себя роль боевых кораблей и действующих в непосредственной близости от берега или в каналах. Модель Italeri воспроизводит PT 596 и 80-футовый ELCO из последней произведенной партии.
During the Second World War the U.S. Navy deployed a large amount of three types of motor torpedo boats: the Higgins measuring 78 feet and ELCO measuring77 and 80 feet. Every model could be distinguished from the others, apart from by length, by configuration, weapons and various other details. The 80 foot ELCOs represented the most numerous class: they were realised in five series, for a total of about 300 examples Built in mahogany and pushed by three 1.350 cv Packard 4M- 2500 engines (taken to 1.500 in the latest series),these vessels easily exceeded 40 knots. The equipment and weapons were constantly updated and improved thanks to experience acquired in the field and the progressive change of role: with the progress of the conflict, in fact, the PT Boats left the original task of attacking and cutting off the traffic, taking in the role of gunships and operating in the proximity of the cost or in channels. The Italeri model reproduces the PT 596 and an 80-foot ELCO from the last batch produced.
Юноша 2009 г. Тренер Bonchev Krasimir
During the Second World War the U.S. Navy deployed a large amount of three types of motor torpedo boats: the Higgins measuring 78 feet and ELCO measuring77 and 80 feet. Every model could be distinguished from the others, apart from by length, by configuration, weapons and various other details. The 80 foot ELCOs represented the most numerous class: they were realised in five series, for a total of about 300 examples Built in mahogany and pushed by three 1.350 cv Packard 4M- 2500 engines (taken to 1.500 in the latest series),these vessels easily exceeded 40 knots. The equipment and weapons were constantly updated and improved thanks to experience acquired in the field and the progressive change of role: with the progress of the conflict, in fact, the PT Boats left the original task of attacking and cutting off the traffic, taking in the role of gunships and operating in the proximity of the cost or in channels. The Italeri model reproduces the PT 596 and an 80-foot ELCO from the last batch produced.
Юноша 2009 г. Тренер Bonchev Krasimir