Подано заявок: 340
масштаб 1:65автор Giraldi Giuseppe
Larciano(PT) Италия
Итоговая оценка: 98
Details about model: built with traditional technique. No photoetch, no 3D-printed parts, no plastic parts. All parts and details are self-made.
Materials: metal (brass) and wood.- Time required: 6 years (from 1983 to 1990). Reason: I decided to build this model because I have lots of documents about it: I have 50 shipyard blueprints. I tried to reproduce the ship as near as possible to its actual characteristics. Unfortunately, I am not able to link all the documentation, but only the sideway pictures.
History: The hydrographic ship AMMIRAGLIO MAGNAGHI was built in 1914. It was used to study the depths of the Mediterranean and of the Red Sea. It was long 83.20 m, active until 1943 when it was captured and sinked by by the Germans.
Materials: metal (brass) and wood.- Time required: 6 years (from 1983 to 1990). Reason: I decided to build this model because I have lots of documents about it: I have 50 shipyard blueprints. I tried to reproduce the ship as near as possible to its actual characteristics. Unfortunately, I am not able to link all the documentation, but only the sideway pictures.
History: The hydrographic ship AMMIRAGLIO MAGNAGHI was built in 1914. It was used to study the depths of the Mediterranean and of the Red Sea. It was long 83.20 m, active until 1943 when it was captured and sinked by by the Germans.